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Professional Services

Knowing Your Cybersecurity Posture Should Not Be Guesswork

The cybersecurity industry is full of companies advertising a one-size fits all security solution. Apollo knows that there no single solution will solve your cybersecurity challenges, and that there are too few professionals available that truly understand security. Apollo leads with some of the most respected CISOs in the industry and have them prioritize solutions and run teams that actually fix your problems. All are available at your fingertips.

Our CISOs understand and optimize your organizational resiliency and readiness. They will show you how to know for certain what your security gaps are and how to fill them. We can help your compliance and regulatory requirements; we helped write them. All so you can best protect what is most important to your organization.

  • Understand and optimize your organizational resiliency and readiness

  • Ensure you are compliant with trade standards and government regulations

  • Know for certain what your security gaps are and how to fill them

  • Protect what is most important to your organization

Consulting & Expertise

Apollo provides consulting from our pool of CISOs. We have highly trained and experienced individuals on standby to help plug the gaps in your cybersecurity and IT programs. From establishing security programs from scratch, to helping organizations understand the nuances of a specific control or piece of legislation, we are here to help you.


Know how you measure up against attacks, or if you are in compliance with your regulatory duties. Apollo helps you navigate cybersecurity frameworks and understand control catalogs, We perform assessments against any framework, and provide consulting and recommendations on how to remediate any shortcomings in your cybersecurity program.

Compromise Assessments

Learn if you have been breached and why your tools missed it. We have designed an assessment that validates the most common attack vectors against your environment. Our experts analyze your systems for indicators that you have been breached as well as common security holes and provide comprehensive reports and recommendations.

Penetration Tests

Attackers look for vulnerabilities in your network, and then exploit them to get to what they really want: a way to monetize on your business, at your expense. Different vulnerabilities are present from within and outside of your network. Apollo’s bench of penetration testers can show you just how far into your network a determined attacker can get, and provides recommendations on how to plug the holes in your security.

Kinetic TabletopTM Exercises

It's not a matter of if you will get attacked. It’s a matter of when. Practicing for an attack helps your team respond faster and more efficiently when there is one. Rather than providing a general tabletop scenario that anyone can just download, we review your response plans, customize the scenarios, and facilitate tabletops that will have the most benefit to your team. Our post-action reporting lets you know where your processes and systems are weak and how to make your organization more resilient.