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Discounts for Federal Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Goods & Services

GSA Contract #GS-35F-0084S

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GSA Advantage provides online access to products and services from federal contractors. Apollo offers a full catalog of cybersecurity goods and services to address all current and future needs at discounted rates without requiring a lengthy procurement process.


  • Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services

  • Information Technology Professional Services

  • Training Courses

  • Software Licenses

  • Maintenance, Repair Service and Repair

  • Awarded: 11/22/2020
  • Expires: 11/22/2025

Quotes and Purchase Orders

Refer to Apollo's complete list of goods and services and a complete list of vendors. Submit requests for quotes or purchase orders via email to

Please include:

  • The GSA Contract # GS-35F-0084S
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Contact Email Address and Phone Number
  • List All Specific Vendors and Services Required
  • Pricing for Each
  • Quantity Requested (If Applicable)
  • Any Applicable Sales Tax or Administration Fees
  • Total Purchase Price
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Authorizing Signature

Warranty and Return Policy:
All warranties and returns are provided by and based upon the manufacturer’s policies.